Our Results Media Placement We consistently place our clients in today’s top media outlets and in social media. Allonlineprintsocial mediatv msn 2021-04-12 The Badass Writter 2021-04-11 Newbeauty 2021-04-09 Forbes 2021-04-08 The List 2021-04-05 Parents Magazine 2021-04-05 Working Mother 2021-04-05 People en Español 2021-04-05 The Wall Street Journal 2021-04-02 The List 2021-03-30 San Diego Family 2021-03-25 Popsugar 2021-03-18 Thrive Global 2021-03-16 Thrive Global 2021-03-11 TODAY 2021-03-11 Authority Magazine 2021-03-06 L.A. Weekly 2021-03-04 Parade 2021-03-03 Parade 2021-02-26 Authority Magazine 2021-02-19 People en Español 2021-02-18 Page 12 of 33« First«...1011121314...2030...»Last »